Web UI
Simple user interface to run experiments on customed cloud platform
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Simple user interface to run experiments on customed cloud platform
Last updated
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Let's create an experiment at first. Click "Create New" to create a new experiment or "History" to use the previous recipe
Set up the environment for your experiment 1) Enter "Name" as the name of the experiment and "Description" to describe the details of the experiment 2) Choose "Image" which includes the environment and basic setupackage 3) Choose the core number of "CPU", size of "RAM" and type of "GPU"
You can choose on-demand or spot instance in "Instance type" (Spot instance will cost down your budget but with an unstable instance)
Upload your function which is a model with trainer to find the optimal weights and hyper parameters, or you can only design your own model and use our trainer
You can upload / delete function, model and requirements here.
User Function / Model will be saved in File Manager.
Our Magic will automatically load function or model arguments into Function Config. If you just have model without trainer, our Trainer Config can set hyperparameters for you. There are some basic settings in Trialer Config for the experiment to follow.
Only Model have Trainer Config
Use magic.log(*args) web can auto load metric
Upload your data as the model input to train
You can upload / delete dataset here.
Make sure all the details of your experiment and launch